What's so wrong about saying, "Yes, I'm a liberal and I hate Bush?" if that's really the way you feel?

OK, OK... Yes, I'm a liberal and I hate Bush.

As to Ms Rice, she clearly is a very smart, very learned and intelligent person, and I applaud her achievements. I have nothing against her as a person. I am just really, really disappointed that she hasn't managed to steer the Bush administration away from a collision course with all the rest of the world.

And as one of those fancy-pancy european liberals, I actually don't care that much about the Republicans vs. Democrats thing, it's mostly just an artifact of the quaint US two-party pseudo-democracy, but I do worry about the fact that the current US administration has set back so many of the positive developments that were going on in the world, created a strong terrorist movement and alienated pretty much everybody, and is about to drive the world economy down into an abyss. But, hey, western civilization was overrated anyway...