Open Letter to Brad:...

It is sad that some people’s “estimation” of you has gone down because of your stance/beliefs. Of course that is what inevitably happens when people do not agree. Your still the same Brad as always but since you disagree with them you are somehow less. Note: See history – every war and prejudice is usually not personal but belief oriented.

You know, this is what's really getting me. So here we are, because someone disagrees with me, I'm thought less of. Not simply disagreed with - but in their eyes, less of a person to a community that I've been part of for nearly 6 years.

But at least I'm still descent! Like that brown pair of shoes I have!

Sure, Jim can devote his signature to a web site he made that lists all of Bush's accomplishments to date (don't bother clicking, he's left it empty) and he titles this thread "rain women" implying that Dr. Rice is Autistic. She is then called "fundamentally an idiot." It goes on! She is also an idiotic automaton suck up!

Yet these "broad" statements are praised. Why? Because people agree with them. Fine, that's expected. We make plenty of broad statements about our empegs that we all accept because we agree ("There will be no better mp3 player for 10 year!", etc.)

Yet, when I think that such a broad, offensive, perhaps intentionally over the top post deserves a little ballance by at least pasting the resume of Condeleezza Rice, I'm accused of being "arrogant in the extreme". Yes, Jim asks a question, I answer it and I'm arrogant to the extreme!

However, a page or so later, someone else takes about 3 seconds to type "www.kkk.com" into this browser (proving to the world once and for all that the KKK have started paying their electric bill again) and he's a "reseacher!"

So, a Google search is arrogant and typing a url into your browser is research.

And if I make a "broad" statement, I'm bad for not having footnotes listing my sources. Yet, all of the broad statements that Dr. Condeleezza Rice is a muppet, puppet, parrot, Autistic, idiot and a suck up are not overly broad.


I also need to kick my dog, finish my fourth beer and beat my wife and kids.

Crap, thanks for reminding me. I forgot to beat my wife last night.

Don't forget about the book burning today!
Brad B.