Over here we don't have as much anti-Semitism and it's certainly not tollerated.

ha ha ha ha ha HFS hah ha ha!

You're joking, right? Please tell me you're either joking or haven't travelled much in the US.

Nope, quite serious. Yes, in a country of 295,340,413 people, I'm sure you can list dozens and dozens of instances, but anti-Semetism is openly condemmed here in the USA. Don't get me wrong, I'm aware of the nuts who think that the world is run by 5 Jewish bankers on the top of some hill, but in contrast with parts of Europe, those people are hardly mainstream. The have to resort to secret little clubs and books etc. Maybe you're just hanging out with the wrong people?

Maybe you're just not very good an doing research? I don't think _ww.KKK.com qualifies as a "secret little club" as you put it Brad.

Nor is _ww.americannaziparty.com....

Ironically, they're in Michigan. Perhaps you live near the wrong people? How can you cast dispersions at Heather when she's simply pointing out that something you said is obviously stated from a point of view totally lacking in knowledge of the facts? Finding those websites required me to:

1) assume the KKK had a web site.
2) type their name sandwiched by "www." and ".com"
3) Assume there was an active Nazi party in the US.
4) See above

Which is approximately 4 steps more than you took to verify your warrant before posting. And do you know why those sites exist, Brad. Because we not only accept it, we defend their right to do it. Sadly.

And by the way, maybe I'm wrong, but I think "neo-" also goes quite nicely with:


...and by itself it can even be Near Earth Object.

But I quess you're right. If you do nothing but watch US broadcast media for your information, you might not have beenexposed to some of those.

No offense Brad, you've always seemed like a pretty decent fellow, but you're coming off as someone who seems like he has a bit of a martyr complex going on. If you're the only one who's right, does it matter if everyone is going to "gang up on you" as you expect? Can't you just prove everyone is wong with carefully researched examples?