Big Deal! I want to see real achievements, like establishing a stabilised government in the mess called Iraq.

I wasn't alive at the time, but from what I've read it took longer than two or three years in Japan and Germany following WW2 to establish self-sustaining governments. Especially in Germany, "insurgent" attacks were quite common. I can even dig up some New York Times editorials from the time that claim how Germany was a "quagmire". My fear is that many of the people who opposed the war don't want to see success in Iraq and often ignore any successes that have happened there. Doing so would mean a Bush accomplishment and that would ruin the whole effect of someone's "cough" web site. Hopefully you're not in that crowd, but how odd it must be to wake up in the morning knowing that you're wishing for the same outcome as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Naziism was a form of socialism, not conservatism. Get YOUR story right. You are the one making this association, no-one else.

I didn't bring up the term "neocon", Tony did. I'm just saying that the lable was created to be unflattering and was popularized after the rise of the "neo-Nazi" movement clearly to try to make the loose association. The only two "neo-anythings" that have popular meaning are neo-con and neo-Nazi. And there is no shortage of "Bush = Nazi" signs are protest rallies or rock concerts. The irony is that the term is frequently used as slang for "Jew." I doubt that most people who use the word have any idea that is the case, but its originators undoubtedly did. My story is straight - look it up.

Strange you choose to bring this up given what is happening today in Poland, or doesn't that matter to you? Hell no - I shouldn't have said that - I am being arrogant again by implying that outside the borders of the US there is a world going about it's daily business.

No, you're being arrogant by implying that I didn't already know about the commerations at Auschwitz today (or the coverage in the last week or so including a protest by a Muslim group in the UK against the commerations) and further arrogant in implying that I wouldn't care. Over here we don't have as much anti-Semitism and it's certainly not tollerated.

Oh, and Colin Powell wasn't? Eh? Am I missing something here?

Maybe we're both confused. Colin Powell resigned. I may disagree with a few of his positions, but I have the upmost respect and admiration for the man and have for over a decade.

Pushing a CV as an indication of the worth of a person, is to me, "arrogant" in the extreme.

Okay, I have to admit, I have no idea what a CV is... can someone help me out? Jim stated her qualifications as "Agree with W." I thought I'd add to that a bit. And I can't look at her little bio I pasted there and think that she isn't accomplished. Was it arrogant of me to paste that? I was just trying to be fair to her. I'm not calling anyone here a muppet.
Brad B.