What happens when people don't agree (or what should happen) is that they try to figure out their differences by discussing them, without using overly inflammatory language and (one would hope) without making it all about attacks?

It was a letter to me. I didn't see him engage in any attacks.

I don't get what you're trying to say with the "lost cause" comment. Are you saying that any of us that don't agree with you are "lost causes"? Because if so, who's doing the "bombarding"?

"Lost cause" means that there really isn't any chance of changing some people's minds because they are so obviously entrenched in their views. Also, many views are based on predictions and there is no way to prove that a certain prediction is wrong without simply waiting to see. Matters of fact can usually be proved, but matters of opiion (such as world-view) can not. So trying to change your mind might be a lost cause. You as a person however are not a lost cause. If that's bombarding, then we're in deeper trouble than I thought.

And I hate to break this to you, but peoples opinions of others are formed by eachothers stances and beliefs, among other things. What do you base your opinion of others on?

Most of us simply say, "I disagree with you, but I respect you." I don't think Jim and I could be more politically opposite with one another, but I deeply respect him and think he's an intelliegent guy. That isn't to say he doesn't make my blood boil sometimes, but I'm not going to let politics get in the way of my view of a person. Maybe that's how the guys on Crossfire are friends.

A) Why comment on it at all?

He thought I need a pep-talk. It was appreciated.

B) How is it that you have such powerful opinions on something you "don't care about"?

Reading his post. I don't see a single comment about Dr. Condeleezza Rice. I wouldn't call those "such powerful opinions."

You just love to argue don't you?

And if you think Mrs. Rice being black or white or whatever matters to any of us, I think you've really made an unfortunate mistake. I personally think that this board has better things to worry about than sombody's ethnic background. I personally look at her as simply another person.

That was his point. It was a joke. I might suggest some of the wonderful selections on the Comedy Channel.
Brad B.