but it'll be a cold day in hell before I'm about to watch the swill from CBC or the BBC thank you very much

I really hate to try an jump into the middle of all this, especially with an off topic tangent, but I'm hoping to come out of this with maybe some new information. Why is it that you dislike the BBC news so much? I have to admit I use them as a major news source to get a good world view of how things are going. I generally enjoy their news, as it seems to me that is doesn't carry the bias and baggage from being "left" or "right" like so many US media sources. But maybe I am missing something.

Today, I am reading the story Iraq election declared 'success'. If I was forced to rate the article as coming from the right or left, I would say the right, only for the fact that it is showing some success in Iraq and has quotes only from Bush and Blair. But again, I would only say so if forced. Otherwise, I find it an informative article with no real bias in it either way. I try and avoid really siding with either "side", as I find doing such limits me too much. I much more prefer going to the polls and voting for who I want, and not for what party I want.

A good friend of mine considers himself conservative, but still has harsh criticism of how the situation in Iraq is going. It's a shame that such a stance can be seen by some as being wrong and un-patriotic. What unwritten law says you must support the person you voted for 100%? I will likely have my own criticism of any president ever elected, and the officials below that office no matter how I voted. And I would hope others feel the same. Of course I'll be much happier when those criticisms go back to "Why are they spending upteen million on that" instead fo the current war enviornment.

Anyhow, I do have to agree with Rob, this thread is getting a bit out of hand on both sides. I hate to think moderation might have to come into force on this issue, but it is heading that way. Just keep in mind post count doesn't matter, nor does replying 5 seconds after someone else. Try to step back a bit and consider what you are posting before doing so, possibly by even delaying the submit by an hour. A hastly typed in response filled with hints of insults is not going to do any good, and may turn people against you.