Would that be The Pietr Priciple or the Das Peter Prinzip?....systematically lied to us and now lies about that.

Late to the debate (busy week and broken laptop) but the above quote seems to encapsulate the original theme....IMO, what Rice demonstrates is both an embodiment of the Peter Principle and the maxim that power corrupts. From my vantage point, which is living just down the road and working across the street from Stanford, where she received a lot of local scrutiny in a town that specializes in debating everything from international politics to traffic circles, Dr. Rice did a fine job as provost at Stanford, and I have no interest in denigrating her previous accomplishments. Although one of those liberals, I thought initially that she (as with Colin Powell) might be a voice of reason in an admministration short on that substance, and was severely disappointed. It seems to me, based on her performance in Washington only, that she either left her reason or her honor on the West Coast, and I suspect that Barbara Boxer was responding with a similar sense of disillusionment in her questioning of her fitness as Secretary of State. All the side-issues, including her CV, are irrelevant to that central point and seem designed, intentionally or not, to distract from it.