Apropos this point, in my waking moments this morning, I heard a bit of oral history from a 50-something Jewish woman (in New York?) whose Dad was an Auschwitz survivor.

And speaking of Auschwitz, I just watching the pics and reading the accounts of the 60th anniversary, with the largest gathering of survivors ever (and likely forever). Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin, Viktor Yushchenko, Jacques Chirac and Horst Köhler were all there. Where was Bush? Where was Condoleezza Rice?

And as most of us know, the World Economic Forum is on again in Davos right now. All major word leaders from politics and business gathered together, with their main concern being "How to prevent the US train wreck from pulling down the World Economy? What happens when China stops propping up the US Dollar? And what to do to really solve the problems in Africa?"

Nice pics with Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, Thabo Mbeki Olusegun Obasanjo and the ever-present Bono in a group session. Where is Bush? Where is Rice? Ahh, yes, back home making speeches about "liberty throughout the world"...