And yet some liberals insist on calling her an "Aunt Jamima" or a "mildly smart, but idiotic, automaton."

Could you do me a favor and edit this to read "And yet some liberals insist on calling her an 'Aunt Jamima' and some other liberals call her a 'mildly smart, but idiotic, automaton.' " Thanks. Appreciate it.

My submission was a debating point and part of me has to admire your gumption in taking up the argument for the losing team.

To be fair, though, I should have framed my proposal more closely. I mean, I know much of what you pasted in WRT her quals, and I don't think all of it is insignificant. I mean teaching, books, piano playing, and getting an oil tanker named after you?

I guess what I think is that if we were still fretting over the Fulda Gap, we'd be in great shape with Rice as National Security Advisor.

My question/proposal and puzzlement, is based on Rice's performance since 2000 which could be interpreted to be that of a mildly smart, but idiotic, automaton. Maybe I need to create a Web Page for Condi Rice's Positive Accomplishments since 2000 to see what anybody can suggest. What I see is that she tried to jump over the (Fulda) Gap and didn't make it. (Would that be The Pietr Priciple or the Das Peter Prinzip?) People with darker, but still reasonable, minds, think that she systematically lied to us and now lies about that.

As other have pointed out, when grilled over 9/11, she essentially cried ignorance. Instead of being derided for that, she was given high points for elocution and composure. More recently attacked by Boxer, her defense is to become indignant and trumpet her respect for the truth. Oh, puleeeeze.

With all the other factors (like, say, cred on the world stage) on the table, a woman who aided and abetted possible the biggest FU in our history is given a big promotion. And for one reason. Line toeing (I'm hearing those Stepford Wives voices again!). Well, surprise me. Let's see how she works out as a stateswoman. Let's see how many pieces she can put back together.

So, her resume is considerable. I admire the ability of folks like Bonzi to admire. Under the circumstances, though, a resume twice as long wouldn't impress me much in the face of her performce since 2000. I mean, John Wayne Gacy was probably a *great*, very well-credentialed, clown.

I don't find being branded a "liberal" in appropriate context disagreeable in the least. Now, I do find its frequent, bombastic use in political shout media pretty repugnant. What I find much more disagreeable, and much more frightening, is the stampede by many politicos to avoid identification with it. That *is* the road to fascism, IMO.

How's your resume' lookin?

Pretty Fair. Could be better. I think that if I was to be nominated to be the Secretary of State, I would probably want to buff it up a bit.

So, I guess I still aske "Where's the Beef?", and I guess we'll all be able to watch and see where it is or isn't

Boy, amd I glad I don't care about this stuff anymore.

(edit: too clever Jim ~= no Cyrillic support, I think. And a few typos)

Edited by jimhogan (27/01/2005 15:16)